Why 40% of all corporate relocations fail & how to prevent this
It is common place for prosperous businesses to relocate employees for overseas assignments. This is as opposed to hiring domestic workers who may be unfamiliar with the procedures and expectations of the organisation. However, whilst moving staff abroad boasts an array of benefits such as more predictable results and enhanced opportunities for the staff members; it comes at an average cost of around £90,000 per international transfer!
It is therefore pivotal that large-scale corporations invest wisely in their procedures for relocation, this is to ensure consistent results for their working projects overseas. Despite this necessity, it has been reported that 40% of all overseas assignments are judged to be failures; 70% of these cases were attributed to family issues.
HR Departments
Although fraught relations within the family ranks as the top reason for returning home prematurely after an international relocation; there are many ways that HR departments can actively prevent the stress of relocation. One of the ways is the help from specialists who are equipped with essential knowledge so that they can prevent this stress; such as the valued staff members here at Galleon International.
In order to ease this transition and to prevent difficulties when adjusting to the new location; Galleon International Shipping offer the following invaluable services:
1. Expense management during relocation
Your employees will find peace of mind with the knowledge that their payments, rent and deposits are going to be managed in a timely manner; within budget and per all necessary regulations.
2. School search
Ensuring children are sufficiently catered for is inevitably a key priority for any parent, which will be heightened with the stress of relocation. Here at Galleon International, we provide crucial information for all of the conveniently located schools. We help to prepare application documents as well as checking for availability when required.
3. Settling in services
Furthermore, our team work hard to prepare for all necessary provisions. Our team will register the employee and their family with local doctors and dentists; as well as help to set up bank accounts and more, which will be as required by the employee.
4. Language and cross-cultural training
This training allows your employee to effectively integrate into their new location. This will enable family members to make friends and to recognise local norms quicker. These types of services are available for both adults and children.
5. Spousal assistance
Successful corporate relocations cannot happen without spousal or partner support. Therefore, Galleon International place equal importance on the needs of the employee’s partner. Galleon help to find the partners a job as well as helping to support with their healthcare should this be required.
Get in touch with our global relocation experts today on 01708 868 068 or email info@galleon-ltd.com.