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Moving To Canada As A Skilled Worker: Five Factors To Consider

Written by Christopher Townsend | Jun 25, 2024 10:00:00 AM

For skilled workers, relocating to Canada can offer a high quality of life and rewarding professional opportunities, but how easy is it to move to Canada from the UK? Let’s look at the five main factors to consider:

1. The Immigration Process

Canada’s primary system for managing skilled worker applications is the Express Entry System. This is a points-based system that ranks applicants in a pool based on education, age bracket, and professional experience. Each of Canada’s provinces and territories also has immigration programmes targeting specific skilled workers to meet local labour market needs. For example, if you are a qualified doctor and there is a shortage of doctors in the area you wish to move to, you could apply for sponsorship under that area’s Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), providing a fast track to immigration.

2. Eligibility

Canada is a fairly easy place to migrate to compared to the USA or Australia. Nevertheless, you must demonstrate fluency in either English or French, and you may be required to demonstrate your proficiency using an internationally recognised test (e.g. IELTS or CELPIP for English and TEFL for French). Your education and qualifications must also be assessed against Canadian standards through an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA), to ensure cross compatibility, and you may need to take additional qualifications to work in Canada in a specialist field.

3. Financial Considerations

Relocating to Canada can be expensive, with application fees, language tests, and ECAs adding up in cost. The cost of living also varies widely across Canada, with bustling cities like Toronto and Vancouver being the most expensive. We recommend budgeting sufficient funds to support your application process and the first initial months living in Canada. The quality of education is high, with public schooling offered free of charge, and Canada also provides free universal healthcare – although there might be waiting periods for new immigrants.

4. Professional Integration

Certain sectors in Canada, such as technology, engineering, and healthcare, have a high demand from drawn from overseas, with strong opportunities for professional development and integration. However, for medicine, engineering, and teaching, you will need to get your qualifications recognised, or obtain a separate licence to practice in Canada. The process can vary between provinces and territories.

5. Culture And Lifestyle

While there are strong similarities between British and Canadian culture, there are various community and cultural differences to be aware of. For instance, Canadian employers typically offer less annual leave compared to the UK, starting at around two weeks – in contrast with the UK statutory minimum of 28 days. Canadians also tend to be very outdoorsy, regardless of the season, with people participating in a wide range of outdoor activities, from hiking and skiing to canoeing. Sports are also popular, with ice hockey taking central stage as the most popular sport, alongside baseball and basketball.

Find Out More

To find out more about moving to Canada as a skilled worker, please get in touch today to book a free virtual survey via your smartphone or tablet.

Image Source: Canva